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Infographic of Key Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label

Here is a quick overview of the differences between the ‘old’ and ‘new’ Nutrition Facts Label:

Key Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label

The final ruling on the  NEW Nutrition Facts Panel  has been  announced today. The changed facts panel is an effort to reduce America’s increasing obesity rates and related diseases.  Michelle Obama, who has been a fervent supporter of the revised nutrition facts, made the announcement today during the Partnership for a Healthier America summit.

In the next few days, we will be putting together a more comprehensive review of the changes and the impacts they will have on your food business. But for now, here are some of the key points:

  • Compliance date is July 26, 2018; however, an additional year will be given for food manufacturers
    with less than $10 million in annual sales.
  • “Added Sugar” declaration will be included.
  • Calories and servings will be more prominent.
  • Updated serving sizes for the RACC to come.
  • Dual Column labels will be required for foods with the RACC of 200% to 300%.
  • New nutrients Vitamin D and Potassium to be added (Vitamins A & C no longer required).

What should you do now?

Just hold tight a few more days. The industry was just sent out the guidance late this morning. As of today, the updated software is not available for us to produce the new label. We are awaiting an announcement from  Esha , our analysis software company, regarding the timeline for the updates to come through.

Meanwhile, we will be pouring over the new regulations and will have more details coming to you early next week.

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